Hey there, lovely soul! I’m Anna, and I’m so thrilled you’ve found your way to my little corner of the internet. I’m all about diving deep into Tarot, Oracle, and playing card readings. As a Leo Sun and Moon with a Gemini Rising, I guess you could say I’m a mix of fiery passion and curious intellect.
Tarot, for me, is like having a heart-to-heart chat with the universe. It’s about digging into the real stuff, finding those hidden truths, and shining a light on what’s important. I’ve been on this journey for over 20 years, and each reading feels like uncovering a new piece of the puzzle.
Spirituality is my jam. It’s woven into everything I do, guiding me as I help folks like you navigate life’s twists and turns. No fancy jargon here just good old-fashioned honesty and humility. Whether you’re searching for answers, a bit of reassurance, or simply a friendly ear, I’m here for you.
So, let’s cosy up and explore this wild ride called life together. I’ll bring the cards, you bring an open heart, and together, we’ll see where the universe leads us.



My journey into understanding psychic abilities began when I was very young, after the tragic loss of my brother. It was a tough time, and suddenly I started sensing things that I couldn’t explain like a sixth sense kicking in.
At first, it was scary. I felt like I was in a spooky movie, not knowing what was real and what wasn’t. But as time passed, I realised this intuition wasn’t a curse, but a gift waiting to be unwrapped. Learning to trust my instincts wasn’t easy, but it was like finding a superpower within myself. It helped me make sense of the world and connect with something deeper than what’s on the surface.
Losing my brother was devastating, but it also opened a door to understanding myself and the universe in a whole new way. It’s a journey I’m still on, learning and growing every day.
So, here I am, not claiming to have all the answers, but ready to share what I’ve learned along the way. Life’s tough, but so are we, and sometimes our biggest challenges lead us to our greatest strengths.

Who We Are


As you explore the realms of tarot and seek a guide for your journey, you may wonder why I’ve chosen to go by the moniker “Queen of Hearts.” Let me share with you the heart-warming tale behind this choice.
In the deck of playing cards, I am represented as the Queen of Hearts, a symbol of compassion, empathy, and understanding. Much like the regal figure I embody, I strive to create a space of warmth and acceptance in every reading, where hearts are open, and conversations flow freely.
But there’s more to the story than just a card in a deck. At home, I’m surrounded by my loyal companions, Lady and Duke, two furry friends whose unwavering love and loyalty have earned me the title of their queen. Together, we form a royal family bound by love and laughter.
So, when you choose me as your tarot reader, you’re not just selecting a name from a deck of cards; you’re inviting a kindred spirit into your world, a compassionate listener, a trusted confidante, and a steadfast ally on your journey.

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