Love, Peace and Prosperity

Uncover the secrets of Tarot card combinations and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Tarot, a form of divination

Since the beginning, humans had intuition. That gut feeling that we all still experience every now and then but we are not able to give a logical explanation to it.  Some of us get it while awake, some through our dreams at night, and some even have telepathic or psychic abilities. Some call it the ability to pick up on frequency.  Science says we are stardust. No wonder, when people couldn’t understand their intuition, they looked for answers at the origins, in the stars and planets, their source of creation or their Creator if you like. The first evidence of astrology dates back to c. 5000 years ago, around 3rd millennium BCE. In time, they looked for answers everywhere: dreams, beans, palms, runes, tea leafs and later in coffee cups and tarot cards to name just a few. 

Tarot dates back to 15th century and it first appeared in Italy. 

Find out more about divination in history of humanity and it’s relationship with religion and God on my Blog Page


I offer a prepaid reading service with a private link on YouTube or a live call via WhatsApp or MS Teams. I can also provide an urgent reading within 24 hours.

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